The Story

Eggbeater pedals are awesome for mountain biking because their four-sided design makes them the easiest pedals to clip into on the trail. But the minimal design that makes them great on the trail is precisely what makes them painful for riding your bike to the pub, or to dinner with friends in your favorite pair of shoes.

We want you to enjoy comfortably biking over to the beach in your Birkenstocks or cruising to a yoga class in your flip-flops.  Pub Pedals were designed so that you can wear any footwear you like with your Eggbeaters and get a comfortable ride.

Say goodbye to the difficulty and discomfort of trying to ride on tiny little Eggbeaters without bike shoes! Just slide Pub Pedals on over your Eggbeaters, and you are ready to ride --- no matter what shoes you are wearing.

What’s the Secret?

When you slide the Pub Pedal onto your Eggbeater, the force activates the spring inside the Eggbeater to create tension, so that you get a nice secure fit.


Just over a year ago we took our hand-made wooden prototypes to a plastics manufacturer to make proper prototypes on their 3D printer. Then we spent a little over one year and $15,000 on designing prototypes and patenting them. We have gone through several revisions. Each time we'd print a 3D prototype, we’d test it out and refine it as we tightened up the tolerances.

Where we’re at now.  Our Indiegogo campaign has finished and we now ship orders all over the world.  The tool molds are done and production is in full swing.  The pedal you see in the video is prototype.  But production has run and Pub Pedals are now shipping.



 There are six different colors of Pub Pedals available: see them here.